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superchunk said:
Sal.Paradise said:

I'm sorry but are you feigning ignorance here? Because certain games have certain similarities or are in the same genre, the two console's exclusives are somehow 'very much identical?' Please don't tell me this is real.

I'll ignore the first paragraph because it means nothing, unless you can convince me otherwise..

Over, what.... 95% of all games on PS360 are multiplat 3rd party titles and are identical.

Then you compare their first party titles.

Are they different games? Yes.

Are there games in each genre between the two companies that are comparable and overall similar? Yes.

To me, that means that the two consoles have nearly the same exact game library. Its not ignorant or wrong. Its just simple facts. PS360 are overall very much the same. Why do you think people have called them the "HD Twins" since 2006?

What 360 exclusives are similar to LBP, Infamous, Journey, flower, Heavy Rain or God of War? And these are just the western exclusives. I can see the comparison between say Killzone and Halo, or ofcourse Forza and Gran turismo, but that's about it. Even Uncharted and Gears only have really have one thing in common, third person shooting.