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Jay520 said:
Runa216 said:
Seriously? I've been saying EVERYTHING in this for years, and whenever I bring it up (whether I'm being blunt or sensitive about it), I'm met with inconsolable ire. Every single point he brings up is one I use regularly to explain why faith is irrational, and since HE'S famous, he's the credible one and I'm just some mindless, inflammatory hater.

I don't get this world.

I'd imagine he expressed his ideas a lot more.... peaceful than you.

I spent the better part of a decade expressing my opinions on the matter in a peaceful, rational, logical, kind way, and it got me nowhere.  I get a much stronger reaction (and much more passionate responses) when I'm blunt about it.  this "being an arrogant 'tard" on the topic of religion is a relatively new development for me.  Truth be told, I'm still holding back a bit, beause my opinions on the matter are even more aggressive than I've shown.  

My point is, this thread (and this 'article' as a whole) is an excercise in how sensitive people are, rather than logical.  If the people involved were logical, rational people, they'd realize that what I said was identical, and treat it as such, but instead my words elicit an emotional response, which in a way supports the belief that faith, religion, and god are emotional comforts, not logical conclusions.

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