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Nintendo president Satoru Iwata certainly hopes so.

There are two aspects of the suggestion ‘there should be software which adults can enjoy further’ that I would like to touch on,” he began. “One is that even though such software titles already exist, we have failed to make them widely known.

“And second,” he continued, “because games were originally entertainment mainly enjoyed by children or young men, even though we have been working hard to expand the age range and offer entertainment which can be enjoyed by a wide range of people, we still have more work to do.”

“If I understand your request correctly, you want Nintendo to develop games which fulfil people’s intellectual curiosity by combining culture and entertainment in a clever way, so I would like to consider it as a future challenge for us.”

"Now, the challenge for us is that we, ourselves, Nintendo, don't create that type of content. We're not experts at it. Our developers don't particularly enjoy making that content. They probably could make stellar content, if they chose to. We choose to do something else. So it really is up to the third party developer to create that great content and bring it to life on the platform."

"We could totally do that if we wanted, we just don't wanna" card? Either way, you can't fault a developer for sticking to its strength."