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 long read, but please read it

My parent have gone on holiday to amsterdam this weekend so I have been looking after my dog. It's just me and him in the house.

Anyway, during the night I woke up really thirsty, prob about 4AM, and got a glass of water from the kitchen. As I came back upstairs I noticed that my parents bedroom door had been opened and in there was my dog lying on thier bed. I tried to shoo him but he just stayed there so I though "whats the worst that could happen" so I left him and went back to sleep.

Anyway, about an hour ago I woke up with my dog yelping to go outside for a wee, so I let him out, but as I came upstairs I noticede my parents bedroom door was fully CLOSED. My immediate thought was that I must have dreamt what had happened before. But when I went back into my room I noticed the glass of water that I went to get that led me to seeing the dog in the room in the first place. I thought this is strange so I went to there room, opened the door and the dog had blatantly been on the bed.

How did he get out of the room if the door was closed? I didn't close the door and someone must have closed at some point and it wasn't me or him.

The only logical thing that I can think of is that someone has gotten into the house, Which is scaring me to hell right now if we have been broken into that's why i'm up so early trying to keep myself awake. I've checked the house over a few times and nothing has been taken. The backdoor wasn't locked (lock doesn't work, long story, but we are getting it fixed)  but the gate and the front door were.

I'm really freaked out thats why I'm trying to stay awake. 

 *edit* I have decided that this is my overactive imagination, I'm not going to lose any sleep over this. I have a tendancy to over think things, thats why I play phoenix wright all the time. I don't think it's air conditioning but I think there must be a logical solution.