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To add to the differences between the two games courtesy of Siliconera.

The ones I was unaware of was that before the match begins players can move freely (Not attack) around the stage to set themselves strategically.

Thanks for the link, and I added the positioning system (at start of battle) in the differences in OP


Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. Compare say Soul Calibur to Tekken. You can see that in one game it may take more time to land a move due to the use of weapons versus the use of fists and feet. These are the kind of comparisons I'm looking for. I know there are some fighter fans on vgchartz so some could help elaborate or discard this as needed.

 Now knowing that, I do not understand the comparison. Kratos' blades of Chaos register a hit when it connects to the opponent, much like when Fat Princess summons help from an ally or when Sweet Tooth does a shoulder charge. When a hit registers should never be anything other than when the point of attack reaching the point of contact.

For example, in Smash bros, you have Link and the Fire Emblem characters that wield weapons, and their attacks to take a little bit more time (more obvious in smash 64 for link), but they are still within the bounds of the game's time between hit and reaching point of contact. The difference between Soul Calibur and Tekken is more easy to see for some reason. I don't have much insight on this one maybe others can fill in the gap and pitch in (assuming we have a community capable of that).


I must have been under the wrong impression,  I can remove it from OP. So, do the players have health at all or is it all live or die, with the AP bar being the ability to eliminate an opponent?

 Characters from what we know so far can only be defeated through use of Super Attacks. One must raise their AP to lvl 1, 2 or 3.  These AP levels rise by registering hits on your opponents and also reduced by taking damage or getting hit by weapons and/or stage threats (ie: Hades, answering the BuZZ questions wrong). AP that is lost this way can be picked up by opposing players.

Good clarification, thanks. That's a really neat system actually.


If you look at games like Soul Calibur or Tekken, they have a similar grab style. The are grab and throw animations. In smash, it's more like grab, pummel, throw. PABR is identical in the the way the throws are performed in my view, but I need some more expert feedback on this, since my impression is too premature, I need more dialogue to form a complete opinion.

 We have only seen a few characters so we do now know how they all work yet, but they say that Kratos attacks just as he does in God of War, so I would assume one of his throws is while airborn he shoots his blades diagnally downwars. Also remember that in PSASBR you have a grab button, however you also use the right analog in conjunction with the grab button to perform different grabs, meaning each character can have up to 4-5 different grab attacks from what I have learned. How many grabs do each character have in Smash?

There are moves like the one you're describing for cratos in Smash as well. For example, star fox, after a grab, he throws the character and then shoots him with lasers in diagonal.

In Melee/Brawl you have 4 different non-attack grabs (ie. regular grabs unlike bowser's front B). They're performed using the directional arrows after hitting Z or Block+Attack. Every direction has a different animation and launches the character in a different way, allowing for different juggle follow-ups.

But the main similarities I found were in the choreographies (what the characters do when they grab), and this was based mostly off of what I saw from Parappa.


I understand the variety in the super attacks. But one this we need to remember is that there is variety within the Smash characters in their super attacks as well.

The key question about this is, are the constructs themselves architecturally different, above and beyond the variations. How does the super jump into the animation? The screen goes black, the character glows, makes a big taunt/dance and then dishes out the fury

The animation, meaning the template is the same between both games.

 What fighting game doesn't show something flashy before a super attack? PaRappa's level 1 special where he rides his skateboard and this special has no breaks between the action, just a press of the button, jumps on his skateboard and you're off. Only time I saw any break between the action to display something flashy was Sweet Tooth's Level 3 attack. I am going to guess the same for PaRappa's level 3, in which he does his rap solo and it attacks the entire stage. It's his "Hot Damn, Master plan".

True, but for example in SF IV 3D edition, the animation of the super is locked, you can't do anything or affect the way the super is played out. There's a difference we don't see between PABR and Smash for example.

One thing what you said does bring out though is that some supers might not have a dark then glowy animation like Brawl, you mentioned PaRappa's skateboard move. Could it be that only level 3 supers have such animations? We'll have to wait and see.


Another key difference to add is this:

When you kill an opponent you gain a point. When you get killed you lose a point.

It's the same in Smash when playing in Time mode, -1 for SD, -1 for death, +1 for kill. Stock is different, but PABR will probably follow the same system for stock mode as well.