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Jay520 said:
Conegamer said:

Correct, but without any quantification it's an opinion, not a fact.

Opinion- "I think we're the best!"

Fact- "We're the best, because we've won the championship!"

A fact is a fact if there's proof behind it. Sony go around acting like their opinion is fact, and they know it. And they don't even try to quantify it. Instead, they belittle the competition and act like they know everything (*cough* Kevin Butler *cough*). That's what irks me.


I don't think I've witnessed Sony touting their opinion as fact any more than the other Big Two. What evidence do you have to support your claim other than just Kevin Butler's existence?

Here's a few non-Butler ones I could find (because everything with Butler in is funny, but it does pretty much confirm what I was saying) 

John Koller-Marketing executive:

If Nintendo is really committed to reaching a broader, more diverse audience of gamers beyond the ‘kids’ market that they've always engaged, there isn't much new with the DSi to support that. Significant gamer demographic groups are being ignored, and there continues to be limited opportunities for games from external publishers to do well on the DSi. Compare that with the PSP platform, where we have many blockbuster franchises from our publishing partners launching this year, representing a wide variety of genres and targeting diverse demographics. Games such as Rock Band Unplugged from MTV Games, Assassin's Creed from Ubisoft, Dissidia Final Fantasy from Square Enix, and Hannah Montana from Disney demonstrate the commitment that publishers have to the PSP. From our own first-party studios, we're launching unique versions of LittleBigPlanet and MotorStorm, and we're also planning a steady stream of downloadable games -- both new titles and PSone classics -- to add to the content that PSP owners can already purchase wirelessly through PlayStation Store.

Ken Kutaragi- Exec

"You can communicate to a new cybercity. Did you see the movie The Matrix? Same interface. Same concept. Starting from next year, you can jack into The Matrix!"

"The PS3 is not a game machine. It's something else. It's better than that. "

"[We want] consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else."

"It's probably too cheap ... This is the PS3 price. Expensive, cheap -- we don't want you to think of it in terms of game machines. Because the PS3 is like nothing else."


Jack Tretton:

"If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1200 bucks for it." 

> "[Microsoft and Nintendo] are starting to run out of steam now in terms of continuing to be relevant in 2011 and beyond. I mean, you’ve gotta be kidding me. Why would I buy a gaming system without a hard drive in it? How does this thing scale? Motion gaming is cute, but if I can only wave my arms six inches, how does this really feel like I’m doing true accurate motion gaming? Our view of the ‘Game Boy experience’ is that it’s a great babysitting tool, (but) no self-respecting 20-something is going to be sitting on an airplane with one of those. He’s too old for that."

"The next generation starts when we say so"

"The PS3 is still dominant (mid '07)

And who could forget 'It only does everything'? There's many, many more, but that's a good example of the over-confidence and arrogance I was talking about.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.