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It is not about believing, I'm just looking at the facts. There is a chance the hardware is breaking even, or more likely than that the wifi selling at a loss and the 3G at a profit. But without accurate figures of to market costs we can't be for sure. With basic assumptions it looks like the Vita is making a profit, for example 3DS selling at a loss with a $70 markup, while the Vita at $90 and $140. If logistics are equal between Nintendo and Sony, for simplicity, then for the Vita to sell at a loss the 3DS would have to be loosing over $20 to over $70. Highly unlikely.

Let's not forget Vita's memory card requirment, under normal circumstances unbundled, people pay $20 to $100 for memory and that's a guarentee sell, so any profit made from that can be applied to the Vita. If Sony made memory internal those profits would be unquestionable, so don't rule it out because it is external, if anything it creates more profit since people can buy multiple memory cards. It is a pretty decent set up for profit. I just don't know why Sony didn't just have Vita's with memory in the box, selling at $270 to $400. I suppose the base price number of $250 was really important at the time against 3DS.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(