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richardhutnik said:

The Democratic party hardly does the same level of wrapping itself, and hasn't tried to court the Evangelical vote.  Jesus comes out sometimes, but not in the same way as the GOP side. 

Horseshit. Evangelicals aren't the only religious group in the country, and the religious right only came to exist in the '70s as an answer to the religious left's dominance in the '60s. Look at how political black churches tend to be, and the Democrats are far more in bed with them than Republicans are with the evangelicals. Howard Dean did make a play for the evangelicals when he was the head of the DNC, but they just weren't buying his line that the Democrats were a fundamentally pro-life party. Bottom line: the Democrats are perfectly happy to do all the things Republicans are stereotyped as doing - using God to justify their policies, questioning the other side's patriotism, and so on. Just listen to Pelosi blather on about how much she loves "The Word, the Word, the Word", or Obama talk about how Jesus would love his foreign policy and health care plan, or left wing religious groups like Catholics United talking about how our government should base its welfare programs on what Jesus would want. The idea they they do it with any less frequency or fervor than Republicans is a pure media construct with absolutely no basis in reality whatsoever.