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Acevil said:
Sal.Paradise said:
Acevil said:
Runa216 said:
This thread makes me super sad. PEople are so damn biased against sony. F-shots everywhere. Pathetic.

Lets put in ways you would understand, Imagine every JRPG was like Final Fantasy 13 (Not exactly, but like it), wouldn't that make you bored of playing the same game over and over again? If not more power to you I guess. 

Except Super Smash Bros Brawl is the only major Smash-esque game released for a decade?

And for people that don't own a Wii they have had exactly zero notable Smash-esque games since Melee (An amazing game but one on a console that only a minority of gamers owned that gen.) 

(Yeh yeh, Jump Ultimate Stars, a game you have to import from Japan and learn a new language for.) 

Or...maybe you were referring to something else? My bad if so. 

Yes I was refering to his anger and his post about Call of Duty earlier in the thread, which I find funny, since everyone is typically angry at his strong bias against the recent Final fantasy 13 reviews. 

I have nothing against the game being a clone, however I don't get why people are getting angry at others for stating the obvious, that this is very much like SSB. 

people can bitch and moan about me hating Final Fantasy XIII all you want, it's a fair judgement.  The game sucks. 

I happen to really like Call of Duty, and I know people bitch about it, but I argued in favor of those games when the time came as well.  why?  becuase I'm a writer, and one of the first things you learn when you're a writer is that there are no original ideas left, it's all about HOW you blend ideas to make your own creation.  Battle Royale is certainly based heavily on Smash Brothers, but as Boutros pointed out, when the idea of a sony-based smash brothers game was brought up, people were elated.  I Was elated.  EVERYONE was super excited at such a concept. I was worried it wouldn't be ENOUGH like smash brothers (thus being boring and disappointing), but I think it ended up perfect.  Same basic gameplay, with the same frenetic action and concepts, but with enough of its own ideas and concepts to make it on its own.  

I think what we got is pretty close to perfect.  PEople gotta stop whining. 

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