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Mr Khan said:
It could be the fact that i've had a longstanding fascination with crossovers, but i don't really care that the game borrows so heavily from Smash Bros. It exists, and that is pretty cool.

I haven't always agreed with your posts but you've always been one of my favorite posters.

It saddens me when someone says "I hope this game fails" not because it looks like a bad game but because it's too similar to something else that they like... Why  complain about that??!! It's more of what you love and who knows, you might even enjoy this more after seeing some one else's take on it. At the very least you have another new fighter to give a try and hopefully enjoy. This game isn't damaging Smash in anyway shape or form. It's not the first cross over brawler made by someone that's not Nintendo and it won't be the last.

--Long time PS Fan that bought a Wii because he wanted to play Brawl.

4 ≈ One