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(Thread approved by Axumblade)

What are Nintendo planning at E3?

E3 is little more than a month away now, and details about what Nintendo will be doing there are starting to trickle through. We already know that they'll be something BIG, which is why they're launching NSMB2 and DQX in August, but what? 

Here's what's confirmed to be at E3, but you're free to speculate below as to what may happen that night. If I've missed anything, please let me know and I'll update the thread!

What we WILL see

WiiU-Finished design

WiiU games

Pikmin 3

New Super Mario Bros. 2

Rayman Legends


What we can expect to see

Luigi's Mansion 2

Nintendo Online strategy

Animal Crossing 3DS

Paper Mario

Fire Emblem 3DS

Brain Training (those devil horns...)

New games


What we MAY see

The Last Story

Pandora's Tower

New Zelda

Pokemon Black and White 2

Pokemon X Nobanaga's Ambition


What we will NOT see

WiiU pricing 

WiiU launch date (though it will be coming this year in all territories)




One thing is for certain, this E3 will certainly be an interesting one, wouldn't you agree? But I want to know what you think will be there! 

Times for conference:


Conference times


(Lost Angeles)      






(New York)




Press Conference


June 5th


June 5th


June 6th


June 5th


June 6th 

Official E3 site link


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.