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You are wrong. If you go back in time you will see that the dude who "likes" to rob will always steal from the same person over and over and over again, unless other factor is added into the event, like a time traveling intervening, just to put an example. But that doesn't mean that thief did not have free will.

You are talking about from a point of view in which the events have already happened, and you are traveling to a point in which the decision to steal has already happened; and from that point you are saying that, the thief while being in that situation will always rob certain person. What you are saying is like "He had a heart attack because he was fat and a heavy smoker". It is so damn obvious that the event will happen in those situations for that person, but the thing here is that you need to understand what made them to be in those situations, and there is where free will takes place.

Every action has a reaction, so a person who have certain experiences (action), will do things according to how he interpreted those events (reaction), and that will depend on how they where raised (or maybe due to some genetic diseases, by how he developed during pregnancy, which will depend of what choices the mother make, and who she choose to be her mate, etc,etc,etc).

Staying with the same example, the guy robbed some dude because he was in the "perfect" moment to do so and because he had the motivation to do it because of certain events on his life that leaded that person to that point of decision in which he resolve to rob certain dude. If you travel at the same exact moment over and over again, it will always happen the same and he he will rob the same dude, because the experiences have not changed.

And also it will be the same because you are going from a time in which the events already happened; it is like watching a recorded event, it will happen the same every time you rewind it; unless you interfere.

Time travel funny thing: If the event changes, that means that in "your present time" you would have no reason to go back in time to see the 1st event, because it did not happened. In the beginning what motivated you to travel back in time was the result of the 1st event; but that event is no more, in other words you would have no reason to do so. XD