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No, they don't need to ditch it. They just need to cut the price to $150 and $199 and actually release some original exclusive PSVita games. Like 80% of the games they released are already on the PS3. They are just Mini-me's of it's big brother. I don't need to play Uncharted on a portable if there are already 3 Uncharted games on the PS3 that I haven't finished yet. Give me some new original titles for the PSVita and please drop the price. I'm not paying $250 for it unless it comes bundles with 4 games and some headphones.  Seriously, that's all they need to do and then sit back and watch them units fly off the shelves. Speaking of bundles, the PSVita really needs a good one. The PSVita is a decent handheld. I actually like the way it feels. I just want more games for it and a cheaper price. They may want to lower the price of their games as well. $50 is too high for a handheld game. There are better IOS games out there that are just $10-$15.