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kowenicki said:
Train wreck said:
So Nintendo's stock is down 2.4% from where it closed yesterday in New York, meaning that first look investors are treating this number as a negative as the stock was up 3% in Japan before they were released.

You can really take these numbers one of two ways:

Glass half empty scenario:
-Wii, DS and 3DS margin pressure
-3DS still losing money and Nintendo said that the device will not be sold "below cost" starting in the 2nd half, which means it can break-even, doesn't necessarily mean it will profit.
-Uncertainty about the Wii U
-Nintendo has been wrong on their guidance for the past 3 years and forecasting for the upcoming year seems to be immature
-Still vulnerable to swings in currency exchange
-Burning through a lot of cash

Glass half full
-3DS will be at least break even in the second half 2012
-strong library scheduled for the second half of the year
-Certainty about the Wii U
-Still has alot of cash on hand

if you miss market expectations then the markets hits you.

the average market expectation was for better numbers.

It depends if you are talking about the future or past.

For the past, Nintendo didn't miss expectations, they beat.  Back in January they were forcasting a loss of 60 billion yen, they came in at loss of 43 

For the future, they are coming in below forcast (Current forcast was for +40, nintendo is projecting +20) but forcasting a year out is a dangerous thing becuase you dont know what the world will look like a year from now, for all we know the world ends on the 21st of December.