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So Nintendo's stock is down 2.4% from where it closed yesterday in New York, meaning that first look investors are treating this number as a negative as the stock was up 3% in Japan before they were released.

You can really take these numbers one of two ways:

Glass half empty scenario:
-Wii, DS and 3DS margin pressure
-3DS still losing money and Nintendo said that the device will not be sold "below cost" starting in the 2nd half, which means it can break-even, doesn't necessarily mean it will profit.
-Uncertainty about the Wii U
-Nintendo has been wrong on their guidance for the past 3 years and forecasting for the upcoming year seems to be immature
-Still vulnerable to swings in currency exchange
-Burning through a lot of cash

Glass half full
-3DS will be at least break even in the second half 2012
-strong library scheduled for the second half of the year
-Certainty about the Wii U
-Still has alot of cash on hand