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theprof00 said:
thismeintiel said:

Well, once those green energies can be used to fly a jet carrying 100 people for over 4 hrs straight (hell a car for that matter) and the personal vehicles with those types of technology can be sold for $15,000-$20,000 without huge subsidies from the government, you let me know.  Until then, I'll just continue to use that "evil" oil. 

BTW, say we do switch to electric cars AND we were able to get our electrical grid to support that much power usage, where do you think that power comes from?  It comes from power plants with massive generators.  Do you know what powers those generators?  In the US, 50% alone are run by burning coal.  Others use nuclear.  While others burn oil.  Now, Democrats don't want us to build more nuclear plants, haven't built one here since '77.  So that means a crap load more coal and oil will be burnt to meet the energy needs of electric cars.  So you're basically taking away the oil that would go to run cars and just pushing it into a power plant, so no real reduction of usage.  And if we were to switch to using only wind and solar energy for electricity, do you even realize how much land we would have to use for the windmills and solar panels (with today's tech) to have enough to power for the entire country?  We would have to stop mulitplying because there would be no more land to live on.

Edit: Forgot to mention that the land used to build those panels and windmills would disrupt a great many animal habitats.

Your second paragraph and on is very misinformed. Electric is the most efficient energy source we have. Instead of burning gasoline in cars (extremely inefficient) we can burn them in a plant and feed the electricity to other applications. And yes I know we can't "switch" to wind and solar. That is a demonization to think that that's our goal. Wind and solar and tidal are meant to offset, not replace.

Furthermore, currently in the world today, there is 194 Gigawatts being produced worldwide. That's enough to power 194 million homes. We get a lot more power from it than you think. By 2020, the government wants 20% of our energy use based off of wind. Do you realize how much oil that displaces? So, much to your chagrin, we don't actually need to displace tons of animal habitats for it. We use tidal and wind in conjunction in oceans farms, and displaces very little.

There is a major reduction in usage, and you just need to educate yourself a little better. You have some good questions, and some logic behind it, but from what I can tell, your sources have blown it out of proportion. Additionally, there are many places that are nigh unliveable that are perfect environments for energy gathering, like the desert, the ocean, craggy landscapes, etc etc that we've only begun to transform into collection fields. By 2020 we could possibly offset oil needs by as much as 35-40%. You know how the arab world is only really a power because of their oil? Connect the dots, maan. You're a bright guy.

There is so much more to gain than just energy and jobs. There's independence, defunding of the arab countries, raising the world standard, cultural reach, etc etc.

You keep bringing up jobs.  You may create a few new jobs, but what about the jobs that are lost when we just start dumping oil and coal?  Basically we're going to be putting a lot of people out of work, while giving new people jobs, so jobs will probably remain the same. 

As far as Arab countries go, we could already have them defunded if we invest in the sources of fuel we have here, as well as develop more nuclear power plants.  While this is going on we would allow companies to further invest into other technologies, without given them huge taxpayer funded subsidies, and when the time is right and these technoligies are actually affordable, then the market will decide its time.

I find it interesting how you think burning gas in a car is inefficient, yet burning actual oil is more efficient and environmentally friendly.  Of course, you also have to think about our electrical grid as it is now.  There are brownouts and blackouts with how we have it now.  Now imagine what will happen when half the country is charging their car at almost the exact same time.  We would need a complete overhaul of our electrical grid.  Of course, you'll probably have special connectors that only special stations will be licensed to have, which will cost you extra to use on top of any Federal/State tax.  Then you have to charge at least 1-2 times a day (more if you travel long distances).  All  that, plus the extra expense of even purchasing the car, is not going to be very cost effective.

Edit: Also, there's the fact it's going to take you at least 6-8 hrs to charge your car.  And when the batteries die out, it will be quite expensive to have them changed out.  Which with how many times you will be charging it, will probably be once a year.