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Mazty said:
Snovalo said:
Mazty said:

If those are the specs then the Wii U could be more powerful, and as you have said, should be more powerful. 

Obviously it's a point neither one of us can prove, but I'd say that most exsiting Wii owners aren't going to upgrade to the Wii U.  I say this because from what I've seen (Yes, not a great source, but still...) wii owners tend to come in three varieties:
1)Nintendo fans - enjoy the franchises (mario etc)
2)Casual gamers
The first people may upgrade to the Wii U but we must remember that the world is still in a really bad economic state - the UK has gone back into recession, joining Spain etc. The casual gamers probably won't upgrade because I suspect most of them already have a 360/PS3, and it doesn't make sense to by an entirely new console when a large volume of it's games already are playable on the one you own. Yes, some people have a 360 and PS3 but both those consoles have the advantage of a large back catalogue of exclusives: Halo 3, ODST, Reach, Gears 1-3, Forza, Fables etc/Killzone 2,3, God of War 3, Uncharted's etc.
The third group, families, won't buy the wii u because they are not interested in game releases or technical prowess. They bought the wii for family time/kill time and the wii will fulfill that role and a new console will not do it any better. 
Also let's not forget Nintendo said they aren't good at making hardcore games, so will they put the potential extra power to good use in ways other then cart and side-scrollers? I like my graphics so I hope so, but it doesn't look like they have the expertise to do so. 

Of course this is speculation, but that's what I think will happen. Possibly large sales to start and then it'll go 3DS and sales will plummet. 

 if you don't think Wii U will be more powerful then the PS3, then you need help.  Like Viper said, you'd have to pay more money to make it weaker then the PS3/360, a lot more money. Plus, it's 1080p, while ps3/360 are 720p.  Also, all your so called "speculation" made my brain hurt. Families won't buy it because they have a Wii? Casuals won't buy it because they have last gen consoles? Last time I checked, Wii sold 100 million with Gamecube/ps2/xbox having sold like 300 million. Previous generations aren't going to hurt it's sales. And a new console won't "do it any better", excuse me, the Wii U is doing everything better. What are you 12? Do you not know how to think? Let me guess, when Ps4/720 comes around, you definitely will apply a completely different set of logic into accessing it's sales figures pre-launch, amirite?

I need help because listening to what some devs have apparently said is something that requires medical attention?


Why would you buy a console for a catelogue of 2, maybe 3 games? How can you say this gen won't hurt it when probably most of it's games are on this gens consoles and will probably look exactly the same?

"What are you 12?"
Throwing around insults...shows the calibre of your argument. 

A catalogue of 2 or 3 games? What? Oh ok, I don't even have to take you seriously, as you're a troll. The Wii U is launching with more then 2 or 3 titles.


Because it never hurts next gen hardware when transitioning. Also, look the same? Despite the fact that like every single developer is saying that their games on the Wii U compared to the current gen stuff is better graphically, and much better with the controller. Stop saying such ignorant shit.


It's a rhetorical question, not an insult. You wouldn't know the difference though.