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Well it depends on how much money it is making/losing for Sony. It is easy for us to sit here and say Sony should keep the Vita going, but at the end of the day, if the console is a big enough money loser for Sony, you can bet they will not hesitate to pull the plug on the thing. Especially in this tough economy, and with all the money they have reportedly lost already. Is it likely? I wouldn't think so. But don't rule anything out.. I don't think Sony has that emotional attachment to its devices like some of its fans seem to have.

I personally think it would be a smarter move for Sony to just ditch the full on gaming handheld and put all their handheld gaming efforts into the Ericsson, and sort of go the Apple route as a hybrid gaming, multimedia device, since they are a multimedia company anyway and the "all in one machine" is sort of their M.O. From there, focus mainly on the digital micro games similar to the Iphone and make pure profit that way with minimal losses, with maybe some occasional larger games to appease the core gamer. I think the type of games Sony and its third parties make don't serve the handheld medium that well. They seem to be meant for bigger screens and longer sit downs. The Vita seems to be caught between the DS/3DS model of pure, fleshed out gaming, and the Iphone/Smartphone model of multimedia and digital smaller games. I think they need to pick a road and stick to it.

The Vita could certainly turn into another PSP/PS3, where it sputters out the gate and picks up momentum with a stockpile of strong games, or it could end up like the Wonderswan. We just don't know. But based on what we have now, the Vita, a new console, is currently being outsold by the Wii, a 5 1/2 year console with almost no games of note being released. It is also floundering in Japan, which was its predecessor's bread and butter.