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When I first played the game, I was breathtaken. (Sorry trucks I haven't read it yet, I hope you don't mind me posting still) When link ran and ran up the walls, I was soo happy, really really enthused. (It's hard to share my joy) Finally link was fluid, I loved it.

Then, the romance scene and the celebration scene. You have no idea how happy I was, the music, the camera angles, the filmography in general was just... perfect!

Then came groose, what an awesome rival, so funny, the music hilarious. I was a total fan. Then you could fly! The flying music was ravishing, the motion controls to fly were perfect, I enjoyed it. It felt nice to soar and control that. Then came the sword fighting... I did not like it. I found it frustrating... the sword wasn't doing what I wanted most of the time, and yes it got better over time, but it really wasn't intuitive. I found that shield-bashing was well done, but it too kind of lagged at times. Idk maybe it's just me.

Then, fi. What a pain in the ass. Repeating repeating the bug catch texts over and over again...

But the desert temple version 1 was awesome, going back and forth in time seeing the temple change before your eyes was cool. What really really amazed me though were the sacred trials (can't remember the exact name). I was litterally shitting my pants in the first one when I was on the rope trying to get the last drop and the guardians were right next to me. Luckily I made it.

The first boss (agahnim??) was really creepy and I thought that was well done, I had a hard time against the scorpion and difficulty is a big plus.

I really enjoyed the weapon and potion upgrades, that was a welcome addition. So all in all I really liked the game. Hope that's cool spurge