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You need to see the VITA not only as a standalone handheld but Sony can also use the PSV as additional controller for the PS4, such as the Wii-U and its ugly touch screen.

I can see it , like when playing an MMORPG on the PS4 and big screen while you have all your spells, weapons, potions, herbs and other items easily accesible from the Vita touch screen. or it can display a map in HD resolution or character stats or as trade shop system or for typing communication... lots of things this could be used for.

I can also see the PS4 bundled with the PSV, like the Wii-U and its controller screen, so the Vita can have a bright future, if Sony is really going that way.


Also dont forget the idea of playing games on different devices. Like EA said, play your FIFA games on the big screen, and when out for the day, you can scout or trade, or practice your players on the go.

So, I dont think that games alone will help the PSV to sell, it should be functionality also. Currently the device cant even play youtube streams and has no copy&paste for the browser. Thats the basic functionalities a 2012 device should have, so Sony should work on that or allow developers to use the PS Suite better.