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No, at worst it likely that it will trail behind the 3DS but people forget that the psp despite its weak sales compared to the DS, it made profit at every each sold not long after its launch. The Vita Should act as a similar profit center in 2014 when the cost will dramatically cheaper and the ps4 will probably be making a loss or just about breaking even.

ALso i think the Vita will be fine in Japan, it hasn't been selling but i think thats partially down to the fact that the psp is still killing it over there. Sony have the FFX HD re-release coming to the system, so that could help.

Other then that they just need to be smart about what games they get on the system. I'm hoping for a holiday line up of. LBP, FF-Type 0 Vita, FFX HD(summer), Morrowind, COD. I think with proper execution COD will be a big attention grabber for the system. Also i wish sony would sort out their marketing, the Vita Adverts are very dated. For their target market their advertising should be more sleek and sell the vita as a powerhouse of a handheld. Not silly ads of people running around in ruins and battle fields.