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Plezbo said:
So my five day ban afforded me plenty of time to go heropon'ing around. And man, this game just gets better, and more interesting. One thing that gets me every time is the Dance of Great Heropon Justice. Riki is constantly busting a move to warn the world against getting in his way whilst he cleanses the world of Mechons and dinobeasties. The dance starts with a shuffle, there's one hybrid moonwalk step, and then a spin, then you do the wave 4 times,do a full spin, and freeze while posing. I busted the Dance of Great Heropon Justice out at the bar last night, and let me tell you, I. Was heropon'ing hard. Totally impressed this chick, would have completely bouncy bounced her too if I hadn't puked in her fridge, but that's another story.

This game is an outright classic, anyone that doesn't see that is an idi-

Wait? What now? You get banned for calling someone an idiot here? Crap... Umm..... So what had happened was, uh...... Everyone should play this game because it is good, and you are all wonderful people in you own right.. Shit that was sappy. Yeah I'll probably get banned again, I'm from Philly.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it! Where abouts are you then? 

And yes, Riki is amazing. No-one can deny that...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.