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Chark said:
Runa216 said:
I think Fallout 3 does qualify for me, but at the same time I'm not sure if I should say that. See, I saw Fallout and immediately thought I wouldn't like it due to the aesthetic and setting; I don't like depressing post-apocalyptic nonsense and I find it..well, depressing. I said this to my friend, and he assured me that the quirky humor more than made up for it and the sheer vastness of the game and its world was too good to pass up. He got it for me for my birthday the year after it came out, and I tried playing it (made it like 20 hours in) and lost my save file. I tried going through it again, but man I was so bored.

I had similar issues with Oblibion. I adored the openness of it, but perhaps I was just too much of a newb, but I found the quest log system (like, your quest inventory) confusing as hell, and that meant I got lost entirely too often and I felt the game had no direction. the stonefaced, identical-sounding NPC's were boring as hell and had NO uniqueness to them, the game crammed too many stats ontop of each other, and the game was just a jumbled, unengaging mess. content was through the roof, but that didn't change the fact that it wasn't engaging.

At least Skyrim seemed to fix all that. greatly streamlined, much more emotion (though it could still use work), much more direction, better defined world, more variety in locales, better levelling system, better everything. If they could cut out the glitches and make the game have a little more polish, I could easily see myself putting this somewhere in my top ten games of all time list.

I love Fallout 3, sure there are some issues with it but I was charmed by the world and the lore in it. I felt it was a fresh change from the Elder Scrolls series. Some of it got quite repetitive. Despite that I enjoyed putting in the hours.

You should check out Morrowind, the graphics aren't that great and if you had problems with Oblivion's quest system you better take notes or use a tape recorder to stay on track in Morrowind. It's quests are mostly tracked through an auto journal and you have to read what's going on if you forgot...and they aren't helpful sometimes. Morrowind had an amazing story and it made you travel, no auto travel just walking, silt striders (city to city river travel), and boats. Sounds boring but Oblivion made the game too task by'd probably hate it.

I actually have Morrowind Game of the Year edition on Steam, as well as Oblivion and Skyrim, becuase..why not? I didn't mind Morrowind, but it's kinda nothing compared to Skyrim.  after playing skyrim I don't think I can return to another Elder Scrolls game.

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