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DieAppleDie said:
is not about visual finess, 3d were still ugly and 2d graphics always look beautiful to me, like a paint
its about the experience, 2d visuals are not as half as inmersive as 3d ones
2d graphics are flat and impersonal
3d graphics are "real"
u can feel identified with what u see

Even when what you see is a hideous monstrosity?  and who's to say 2D graphics can't be immersive and enjoyable?  I was more immersed in Final Fantasy VI than any 3D game I've ever played thanks to the depth of each and every one of the characters; meanwhile, Final Fantasy XIII has some of the flattest characters in an RPG.  

See what I did t here? 

Also, why has nobody called this guy on his apparently weak grasp of the English language?  he can't be bothered to spell 'you' yet he feels he can talk down to me for having rational, well thought out explanations on why I think Ocarina of Time is horrible overrated?  Something aint right in that boy.

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