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gebx said:
Mummelmann said:
Munkeh111 said:
Slimebeast said:
Hmm, the KillZone2 controversy repeat?

I believe the shots are pre-rendered. Because the enemy models look amazing, a big notch above the enemies in Crysis. The environment looks incredible inside that industry hall, where you can see 5 of those grunts coming at you.

This game is supposed to run in 1080p, and at least a 30 FPS? Compare these to Crysis screens, and what crazy system requirements that game has, even with double graphics 8800 cards it can't do 1080p with playable FPS on highest settings as seen on screenies.

Therefor I'm afraid it's probably pre-rendered (just like the best looking Halo screens were pre-rendered and used for cut-scenes, hype-movies or something like that, and Killzone 2 as well).

(those who say these screens look meh need glasses, or they're biased)

Watch the gamelay trailer, then will you realise how great it looks

Refer to my first post in this thread to address this subject...

Did I miss your first post?

It just says cue folks who think this is prerendered... you don't really address anything.

The pictures look amazing, no doubt about it. But are they ingame pictures? cutscreen pictures? or just plain pictures?

I'm going to check the gameplay trailer, which you could of made it easy for me and placed a link.

 Yes, it says "cue folks who claim they're pre-rendered". Every single time a PS3 game is announced along with a few screenies, the same noise starts over and over again. Always the same, just because they showed pre-renders of Motorstorm and Killzone 2 back in 2005. Any other game on mostly any other platform (allthough 360 also get much the same sometimes) does not go under such scrutiny. This goes to show how much many gamers seem to have started to hate Sony for no apparent reason, stating they are lying manipulative bastards who contribute nothing to the market. Have people forgotten that Sony has the 2 most successfull consoles in history behind them and that they are the main reason the gaming market is as huge as it is today? Yes, Sony have lied just like most other companies, to make themselves looks better. No wonder, they were getting verbal beatings the instant the first details about PS3 were announced, as some insane thank-you for having done the market a major service by expanding it 3-4 fold. We should all recognize and appreciate what they have done for us all as gamers regardless of what platform you prefer.

Sony was to the 90's what Nintendo was to the 80's, and longtime gamers such as myself sees this. Have I lost faith in Sony as a hardware and software developer?; no. Do I agree with the overall design and bussiness model for the PS3?; no.