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F0X said:
Conegamer said:
Michael-5 said:
Conegamer said:
Soriku said:
There is a portable gem crafter. Just do the sidequest for the gem man.

Precisely. It's quite early on (when you can re-build Colony 6), and it's rather easy, so...

I don't see the problem.

Oh I'm past this point. If I go to the Gem crafter in Colony 9, he will give me this sidequest?

Yes, you could do it as soon as a party member retuns to Colony 6 to re-build. More alarming to me is your playtime. The average playtime for where you are, for a 70 hour play, is 26 hours. You are going FAR too fast, and the fact you haven't returned to either Colony 6 to rebuild or Colony 9 to do quests is rather alarming IMO. You'll only struggle if you keep up at this pace I'm afraid, and quests, and areas, will become more and more irrelevant, or even locked off, if you aren't careful...

I'm 35 hours in and I'm definitely not that far yet. >_< But I'm definitely not complaining. :) I like taking my time.

I wouldn't worry. I was just entering Eryth Sea for the first time at 35 hours! Took me just under 100 hours to finish it at that pace. Makes it easy for me to creat percentage completion because of that though!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.