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Smeags said:
Conegamer said:
I must make reference to what Smeags said here- the game locks out after a boss fight in a forgotten capital. The previous 3 areas and this one are locked out. Then far more areas lock out in the following area.

The key is, the game doesn't warn you. careful!

Yeah... poor Cone seems to be an hour too late when he warns me about stuff. I mean, right when he tells me to explore Sword Valley completely I've just finished the base, and right when he warns me about not fighting the boss in the capital... I fought the boss in the capital.

He tells me not all is lost however... which is good. I mean, a huge part of what makes XenoBlade XenoBlade is it's focus on exploration... so it would be a shame for me to lose some of that for no good reason (well, storywise it is a good reason, but mechanic-wise it was silly of the game not to warn me in advance).

So now I'm going back and completing quests and exploring areas. I'm level 69 across the board and 59 hours in so far.

Having a time gap doesn't's 6PM over here, for example! Also, probably best to level. IIRC I was 72 at that fight and just scraped by (boss was 73). Then the next boss was just...impossible. Took me several attempts at 76 and I still believe I fluked it. And the exploration will never be hampered. Infact, because of what happens, it makes exploration key (head back to Splintered Path at Colony 6 now, and after the fight, and you'll see what I mean), and there's always new stuff... None of the major areas (Bionis', Satorl, Makna, Eryth, Valak and Fallen) are ever sealed off, and they continue to expand with new enemies, quests and locations/landmarks/quests. I'd throw Tephra Cave in there also. A bit different, but it has the staples of the area. You've nearly reached the end of the story, but there's still much to do! I'd reached your point at 73 hours, finished with it (not the story, overall) at 156 hours. That's when I hit Level 99


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.