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Michael-5 said:
F0X said:
AndrewWK said:

Just killed Xord and I have the feeling that it´s gonna be really interessting from now on. Unfortunately I can´t play it the whole week until friday :(. I just have a question Does this game have anything to do with the Xenosaga? Because it´s the same developer and the title names are similar

As far as I know, the "man versus machiene" part of the plot is the only connection of note.

I've halted my progress a bit to do some Colony 6 questing. I desperately want that portable gem crafter.

Yea they should give you that earlier in the game, it's annoying backtracking.


There are more simularities then that. First of all some weapons and armour are imported from other games (but you won't recognize them unless you played the other games and remember the specific weapon you equiped), and I've read that the XenoBlade game takes place somewhere in the same universe as XenoSaga and XenoGears, but much much earlier on. Not sure about the second point, but I would speculate XenoSaga takes place thousands of years later when Humans migrate to space, and I think I read an article about XenoGears taking place on another planet in the same universe. Regardless physical ties are extremely loose, mostly just related by themes and weapon "cameos."

...They DO give you it early on. You can get it at around 20% of the way through the main story, and it's really not needed at the start. Only when you get strong rank gems, like III or IV, is when it's needed. In addition, 'backtracking' does almost not exsist, as you can simply skip to any landmark in the game anyway...

Also, your issue with not being able to change your character during battle is not an issue. The game gives you a chance to change your party at the start of each major fight, and you can control characters via vision or party gauges anyway to strategically use the Art which you were talking about. But glad to hear you're enjoying it anyway!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.