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PooperScooper said:
Marijuana shouldnt be illegeal, and if it was legal you know a lot more adults would give it a try and a lot less teens would do it just because they want to "rebel"

- worst argument ive ever heard. and believe me i've heard alot.

Yes weed is a gateway drug. My 2 friends blame weed for doing heroin. They wanted to get another feeling because weed didnt give them the same effects. my ex girlfriend also blames her coke addiction on weed. my friend who went to jail for selling blames weed on his other drug habits(vicodin, coke, the add pill... not ridlin) and i could go on and on.

Worst argument I've ever heard, and believe me, I've heard a lot.

There is no such thing as a gateway drug.  Yes, there is a correlation between people who try weed and people who try "harder" drugs like cocaine and heroin.  That's because there is a correlation between people who are willing to break the law to get high (with weed) and people who are willing to break the law to get high (with cocaine and heroin).  Your two friends, your ex girlfriend, and your friend who went to jail have nothing and no one to blame but themselves for their addictions.  Weed did not force them to pick up other drug habits, they willingly chose to do so.

@ikilledkenny, yes, marijuana is called the gateway drug for a reason.  The reason is to try to scare kids away from trying it and perpetuate the war on drugs through fear.

@anyone who's wondering, I have never used illegal drugs.  I do brew my own beer, though.