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Plezbo said:
Crystalchild said:

DAMN YOU Gamefaqgots..  i just wanted to look some stuff up for sidequests, and 99% of the topics there do have a Spoiler-mark, if they do contain some. .. but some idiot in a non-spoiler topic just had to throw a major spoiler in there.. dammit! (I want to sue him. Q_Q)

This is my problem with how Nintendo handled this game.  For the import community, it is 2 years old, so a lot of people who imported the Japanese version just don't care anymore.  The European posters are generally good about not spoiling it for us in the Western Hemisphere, the real problem are the idiots over here (in America, Canada, etc) who imported the Euro version or Pirated the game and think that its funny to spoil stuff.

Case in point, I was in a thread the other day where someone was lamenting, "I really didn't like _______ _______ ______" and then someone came in and was like, "Well don't worry _________ _________ and then _______ _______ ________ the gerbil has to go ALL the way up the rectum and then ______ _____ _____ ___ and so you shouldnt worry about it. "

Basically spoiling 30 hours of gameplay.  I have to admit that most of the game is already spoiled for me, I lost faith and just read the synopsis of the first 75% of the game, stopped before the end because of that one last thread of hope.  Still, you spoilers are asses. 

I had the same issue. Mostly from that spreadsheet. Found out about one of the characters from the skill trees, and the end-boss from the sidequests... If you, or anyone else, have any questions, post them here or let me know SOMEHOW and I'll answer them with no spoilers. I will not tolerate spoilers here. It's safe here


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.