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Xenostar said:
Chark said:
Anyone have a total time of just less than 39:42 in Motorstorm RC Vita I can beat? One last trophy to get and I was wondering if I could use you....I mean friend you temporarily. Otherwise I only have one friend with the game and he's over 5 mins on my time.

if your time is already below 40 mins whats your last trophy?

i have the plat so feel free to add me, but my time is not below that. 

It's the Ghost Buster trophy where you need to beat the time on a track of a friend that is higher than you in the leaderboards. I don't know if that it total time or not, but I only know one person with a Vita. I don't friend people unless I know them somehow so my friends lists is particually small. This is the first time I've had to friend hunt, poor trophy choices in Motorstorm RC.

Anyway someone helped me and I now have the platinum. Thank you for the offer.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(