Euphoria14 on 16 April 2012
BasilZero said:
You don't believe that our actions are completely shaped by the past though. That's a great difference.
I never said that and if I did , I do apologize.
Whatever the actions of a person was from the past and from what they do now both conflict with each other, and the possibilities are endless in a sense, it can be considered random or not depending on who and what is affected by it.
Everything that happens there is a reason for it, whether that reason was intentional or by random, depends on the person who is affected by it and therefore would result in that person to act upon the situation.
But... If you believe that every action we make are completely shaped by the past, then the present (which shapes the future) is determined, and so is the future.
Yes, but that present isn't determined because we had no choice or say in the matter.
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