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happydolphin said:
love it. thanks for the contribution.

If this can get us all to talk, (and I want to hear you buddies talk!) then it'll have been way worth it. We're here to talk and have fun, in the end.

yes, we need more things to get the community talking again.

i see Sony has mainly only been in decline in JP. with the exception of others, and America's by a bit in 2011., with 360 in others and europe.

The PS3 paliated (domed) in most regions. It kinda declined in the last two years in JP, while in europe it has an upward trend that doesn't seem to be slowing down.

The numbers for home consoles in Europe for 2012 are:

Europe 2012
Xbox 681,490
Wii 488,203
PS3 1,133,689

The PS3 is doing good, but still it's hard to tell how well without weekly analysis, because some seasons really offset the numbers for certain manufacturers more than others.