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And that was the last ounce of motivation I needed to sign up for an account! I read Naz's post about actually organizing a tournaments here, and I figured it'd be a lot of fun to join up.

I've been reading the threads here for more than 6 months now, whichever interesting ones I see pop up on the first page, and I really love this site that ioi has put up. I post mainly at the IGN WiiGB, where I've recently been somewhat promoting and backing up this site and the numbers it gives, while showing it to people when they ask for numbers on games or consoles. I'm not trying to sound like a hero, just saying that I really appreciate and admire what ioi has done.

 Anyways, over the last half year or so, I've really gotten to know and recognize a lot of the users here, even though I don't post. Hell I recognize and know you guys better here than most people on IGN's WiiGB. Weird huh? 

Especially leo and soriku.

Anyways I've finally signed up. Can't wait for brawl to come out, and to play with you guys!