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Smeags said:
I'm now ~45 hours in and having a grand ol' time. Every party member is now on Team Smeags and we're rockin' some Mechons.

I also finally started Gem Crafting (Because my mineral pocket finally filled up. )... and I guess I get how it works. It took me forever to start using the Blacksmith in Skyrim as well. I dunno, I'm just the type of gamer who much prefers to play the meat of the game instead of doing all these silly side-stuff to buff up characters. But hey, I guess it works.

Also: XenoBlade has one thing that annoys the heck outta me: Cut-scene>Run 30 meters>Cut-scene. They're always doing this to me! Just make it one big cut-scene and get it over with! Geeze!

One more thing: the scene where Shulk uses water from the spring to... um... yeah. Total cheese-fest.

Yeah. I think I know where you mean...

It sorta recaps the story at that point whilst everyone's seperated. It shows you the relationships between characters and it also causes you to play with other characters (I ditched Reyn and Sharla, for example). The game stops being like that very soon, so don't worry! 

Also, the gem crafting is fairly simple. Choose two characters with a high affinity, make one of the the shooter, the other one the mechanic, chuck in crystals with as few attributes at as high a percentage as possible (1 attribute with 198% is ideal, but that's very hard), and leave the game to run. If those characters have affinity with other characters, they'll join in the fun too! 

Best combo IMO is Shulk as the mechanic and Reyn as the shooter, or the other way round...that way almost everything is a high flame increase...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.