Pineapple said: I too wonder how the children mechanic is going to be. Every single Fire Emblem after Thracia 776 has essentially played it safe, and stuck to making only minor changes. With the first 5, each Fire Emblem was radically different than the past. FE1 was obviously something new, then FE2 (gaiden) was radically different, then FE3 was a bit more similar to FE1 again, but still a completely new take. Then FE4 was something radically different again, and FE5 something toally new as well. The more recent FEs have mostly just stuck to the basic formula. FE6 is a simplified version of FE5, and FE7 is really just an improvement over FE6 in terms of mechanics. FE8 is FE7 with a few of Gaidens nidbits implemented (world map, branched promotions). Then FE9 is really just a different take on FE5 (in terms of gameplay, obviously, that's what I'm talking about here). Finally, FE10 is sort of combining FE9 and FE4, in terms of larger maps with more armies, as well as levelling characters up more than usual. The remakes are, obviously, not really redefining anything. Don't get me wrong - I love the more recent Fire Emblems. Radiant Dawn is by far my favourite, but they're really just doing the same as the older games and improving on small things. This new one, however, seems to be completely changing how the game works, and that's really exciting. |
I have to agree with everything you said. Including your favourite in the series. I too hope this one will do what it seems to be doing, and really shake up not only the series, but also the genre as a whole. From what I've seen, it has a chance to do that.
I just hope it won't be too hard to over-compensate...