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Everyone sees this coming, but Final Fantasy XIII

After VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, and XII all being ranked in my all-time top ten with VI being my favorite of all time, after years of me defending every final fantasy from its wave of haters (8-12 all had people who hated them and I defended every one), I was sure Final Fantasy could do no wrong. Hell, I even went back and played 1 and 4, loved them both.

but then Final Fantasy XIII came out and seemed to forget that it had the words 'Final' and 'Fantasy' in its name. gone was the openness that made final fantasy special; gone were the sidequests that kept you playing; gone were the good plots and memorable characters, all replaced with restrictive linearity, a stripped down weapon and level system, a boring and broken battle system that gave you very little control over your allies and punished you for mistakes you didn't know you made; and above all else a complete lack of side content, and minigames.

its sequel corrected a few of those issues by giving us nonlinearity and side quests, making it considerably better, but still had a lame battle system, poorly developed characters, a poorly told story, and a campaign so short you could beat it in a weekend. Not to mention the ending was horribly bad.

Horribly disappointed, but you all knew that.

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