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Hmm... You know what? Let's go through my Genesis collection.. There must be a dud in there...

Batman forever...

So, back in high school, one of my friends sold me a genesis. He thought he was being sly about it. It wasn't broken, the AV cable was bad. Anyway, he had 4 games, NCAA Final Four (which is replaced in my collection as another game, until it gets added to the collection) and, 2 other sports games, EA soccer, and Big Hurt. Finally... Batman..

This guy had the worse sega genesis collection ever. No wonder he wanted to sell the thing.

But, Batman almost plays like Mortal Kombat II, and is a side scroller... It's simply confusing. Probe made the game, I think, and Batman has all the universal attacks the MK characters had.. (upper cuts, trip kicks, etc.)

It was terrible. It is terrible. I'll keep to my other titles.