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Slimebeast said:
Mr Khan said:

The semi-casuals can handily be converted, especially if the Wii U better meets the needs of other individuals in the households. If the third parties actually make versions of FIFA, Madden, and Call of Duty that have the same features as the PS360 versions, then there would be no specific reason to buy it for any one system, then it comes down to: who meets a broader set of needs?

Some semi-casuals might get tricked over, all thanks to Wii U having the important one year advantage, but I still feel that the vast majority of the COD and FIFA guys will ignore the Wii U as they're already hooked to their current online echosystems and not until the nextgen PS and Xbox starts to reach the masses these guys will be ready to move to nextgen.

One has to think defensively, not offensively, which is something i've said several times in this thread (and this applies to JGarret and Davidd_err as well). These people are passive receptors merely of PlayStation and Xbox products, and when it comes time to move on, what if Wii U has captured a good deal of momentum by then? Or what if someone else in a semi-casual's family wants their Wii U Fit, and this convinces them to get a Wii U and only a Wii U because it has the same versions of Call of Duty and FIFA as the other guys?

I'll agree that very few people will buy Wii U expressly for such games, but the parity of the Wii U could prevent people from buying other systems expressly for these games, which is something that happened this generation.

We also heavily overestimate the impact of an online community in this case. Just as piss-poor online gaming really didn't hurt the Wii that much, so the finer points of online networks are a non-factor in the bigger picture now.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.