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Smeags said:
Soriku said:

Shulk's motivation is to get revenge but also find out the truth about the Mechon. I mean, what other motivation could he have had? Most people are in the shadow about the reasons for the attack by that point, and it's not even explained till a little later from where you're at now Smeags.

It's still a shallow one, that's all I'm saying (and to be clear, you're probably right. It may not be shallow for Shulk as a character, but for the player, and the whole of the XenoBlade universe... it's not the best motivation to go out on). I mean, it's kind of silly when Shulk is talking to the Emperor when he's try ing to gain access to Prison Island. "So why do you want to go there?" "Revenge.". That's it. No more, no less. And like I said before, the different subplots througout the first 30 hours (Sharla and Juju, Melia's assassination attempt) helped to hold up the story... but you know something's a bit off when the subplots are much more interesting than the main plotline... which is that Shulk is mad and wants to kill Metal Face. That's it. It wasn't even "find out the truth about the Mechon" until the events at Prison Island (which I agree have made the main story much more intriguing), and at that point there's also the mystery about Alvis (the dude hasn't been trustworthy since his first apprearance ), Zanza's true intentions, and the mysterious characters on Mechonis (including the Silver Faced Mechon).

So yes, the story definitely picks up after the events of Prison Island... it just took us 30 hours to get there. Also, I won't pretend that the story is the only reason I'm playing this game, as the enviornments and battle system are definitely great and worthy of praise. I play games to play games, and I wouldn't continue if I wasn't having a good time with it (Example: I ended up just watching YouTube videos of Metal Gear Solid 2 because I didn't like playing it ). So I've enjoyed myself. So even if I wasn't totally satisfied with the story at first, I was still enjoying everything else. Now the story has caught up with the rest of the game, and the experience is that much better.

Yeah, the game is very good. The stuff about Alvis won't be reveleaed until the very last moments of the game. Zanza's stuff will be revealed a bit later, and the mysterious Mechonis characters will also be revealed soon! 

Also, when you reach Mechonis field (4 areas after the mountains), you'd best make sure your affairs are in order on the two areas after the Mountains. I won't say any more, but something from WAAAAY at the beginning at the game comes back up. You'll see what I mean


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.