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1) I have the impression that the PS3 and the 360 are not doing wonderfully in the sales deparment right now. I think they are having decent sells.

2) Lets wait for the E3 to know who Nintendo is going after with the Wii U.  If they  learned something from the 3DS launch is that the only way for them to be succesful is to try to expand the DS and Wii market. Going after the "Harcore" crowd  would be a mistake.

3) $300 is just $50 more than the Wii launch price. If we use your logic then the PS3 should not have cost more than $200 at launch. Why buy the PS3 if the PS2 is a lot more cheaper and has big library of cheap and good games? to play new games maybe?

4) The power means next to nothing for a console to do well. If the power was that important the PS1, PS2, Wii and DS would have been last in their respective generations. If the power is was that important the PSV would be outselling the 3DS by a long margin. The games and an affordable price are the key to have a succesful console.

5) There is a problem with that logic. I am going to be able to play Mario Bros,3D Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Smash brothers, Mario Kart and all the Nintendo games on those systems? all those games that you listed I am sure they will be great games, but the power of Ninendo franchises can be denied.

6) The casual gamers did not left the Wii for facebook and to play on tablets. Nintendo stopped making the games that they wanted to play on the Wii. If Nintendo had launched New Super Mario Bros 2, Wii Sports 3, Donkey Kong Country return 2 a 2D New Legend of Zelda and a New Super Metroid the Wii would still be selling like hotcakes.