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that price sounds good to me, so idk what you're talking about in that point. also if price mattered that much the wii would have won last year.

both the ps3 and 360 have fallen in popularity in sales, 4 monthes straight of decreased sales from last year. Them in first place is like winning spelling be against 5th graders. Yeah you one, but you were facing crap competition.

casuals gone? Then why has just dance sales gone through the roof? Considering nintendo has a tablet controller, im sure they dont give an f anyway if they sales were going to tablets.

be honest with you, the internet might care about power, but the real people who buy the consoles dont care. the wii u will be powerful enough for them

plus, first parties first parties. We haven't seen a HD nintendo IP yet, which people will flip out for

and no matter what anyone else says, nintendo doesn't care about the hardcore. they arent going after them, they may say they are, but they arent. They go where the money is and the hardcore have never payed well