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I think these are valid points. But let's see:

1) Yes. Wii U will sell less than Xbox360 and PS3 this holiday season. The library for the twins is enormus compared to the one on Wii U. Still, there are people who likes to buy new hardware, plus the only Wii-owners, and the ones that wants to buy the exclusive games. Less not forget also that kinect while being more expensive and with a poor library compared to Wii sold and is selling very well to the point of propel the 360 to be even more dominant in US.

2) Nintendo has to work a lot with this part. I'm not talking about the list with "hundred of friends". Many of the XboxLive users didn't have to problem to create another one on PSN, and making one on Nintendo Network doesn't mean they have to forget about the ones on Live and PSN. You can have My Space, Hi5, Facebook; Twitter, Google+. Those are not exclusive.

3) Price at 299 or 349 and it won't be a problem at all. More than that and you are looking for 3DS launch second part.

4) Zelda gif is from a demo on a early dev kit. The other 2 are released games. Let's better wait to make a jugdement.

5) and 6) Exclusives and gameplay. Let wait to see if Nintendo can do this right.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile