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I'm actually quite surprised that more people didn't find the "clones" in brawl to have enough differences. I love the similarities in the fox team because after using all of them the differences in their moves are even harder to miss. I like the different costume/character idea, but do much much lesser degree. Different styles of link in fact is about the only way i'd go on that one. Including young/toon link. I think deity link and demise should be link and gannondorfs final smashes.
I actually just wrote on a different thread about this. Obviously keep local multiplayer, but slightly less obvious bump up the player count to 8 for online multiplayer. 4vs4 online would be so sweet.
I'd also like to see the inclusion of "team final smashes" and "team moves". I've always been a huge fan of team matches.
Additionally, i feel like all the big slow characters are still at too much of a disadvantage (save maybe dedede) so i'd simply like them to live even longer. If they're gonna be punching bags, let them be durable punching bags.
Either make tripping optional or get rid of it! Especially air tripping. What the hell is that? c'mon.
Death stages are fine as long as there are non-death stages.
One of the most important improvements i feel they could make is a greater range when it comes to setting item frequency. i feel like even the rarest setting has items coming out too often.
I found the game speed change fine. I'd be happy with action at this speed fine in the next one.
Only dlc i could actually want is additional stages. New characters just feels like a bad idea.