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Player1x3 said:
archbrix said:
Player1x3 said:
theRepublic said:
Player1x3 said:
Viper1 said:
Rafux said:
theRepublic said:

Not really.  Even during the PS2 era, Sony only made more than Nintendo one year.  Then there is the Wii/DS era...

That includes Gameboy Advance data.

And PS1 (which still sold well into the PS2 era) and PSP.

Don't forget the DS.

The fact remains tho, PS2 beats GC and any other console alone easily buisness wise

Have you ever heard of a console known as "Wii"?  It is why those blue bars on the right side of the graph are 2 to 4 times taller than everything else.

Yes and it has nothing to do with DS or Wii Fit or anything else. PS2 is near 160 M untis sold worldwide, has sold over billion units of software. Its also likely to stay on market even after PS4 launches !!! Wii will struggle to pass 115M and survive 2 years on market after Wii U is released

Nobody is denying the PS2's stellar sales, 3rd party support, or staying power in the market.  But when you said "business wise", we assume you mean as a profitable endeavor for the company.  And in that respect the Wii definitely beats the PS2.

I doubt that. I believe most of Nintendo s profits came from insanely high DS sales, very successful wii accessories, and very very VERY successful software, Wii's hardware profits had little to do with it. Sony however, is a hardcore hardware company and their 1st party wasn't as strong as today so their profits relay mostly on their hardware

I don't follow your logic. Sony and MS have employed a loss leader strategy. They sell hardware at a loss an try to make up the difference on software until their platform's cost can be brought down. Nintendo sells hardware for profit from day 1. Sony sold the PS2 at $125 lost initially and didn't break even on hardware until the PS2's third year on the market. Nintendo was selling the Wii makes $80 to $100 per unit at launch and because they held their $250 price point for so long that amount they made per unit increased during the Wii's first few years on the market.