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SaviorX said:
Rath said:
Lady Gaga is the biggest win of style over substance in a long time. They created such a mass of marketing around her look, her name and her actions that people failed to realise that her songs were just pretty ordinary pop.

At least she's a hell of a lot better than Nikki Minaj though, that chick makes my ears bleed I swear.

Her and ol' Biebermiester are complete creations. Its like the labels came up with a prototypical popstar and out spawned Bieber/Gaga


There are literally teams of people out there writing, recording, mastering, mixing every word of every lyrics he's ever said. I'm not hating because hes a young male singer...I'm just embarrassed by the obvious.

Couldn't have said it better.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian