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Zim said:
leo-j said:
Zim said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
Michael Jackson
Lady Gaga

(madonna may have been around for a long time, but her actual music talent is.. well i don't want to upset anyone)

... Madonna apparently has no actual music talent but LADY GAGA does...... Lady Gaga.... musical talent.... I don't want to live on this planet anymore. 

I'm not even a big fan of Madonna but she at least has always come off as quite geniune. Her debut album featured a number of tracks where she was the sole writer etc. 

Whereas Lady Gaga is the pinnacle of marketing over music. Even the name was created by a marketing company. 

So yea even though I've never been a huge fan of Madonna and even MJ I was a very very casual fan of I think they are both pretty definitively the King and Queen of Pop.

Queen is a bit of a closer call than King however I think Madonna's sales are still so much higher than people like Mariah or Celine and she has stayed more relevant. MJ seems like he will be there for well into the future. Whereas it's possible in the foreseeable future someone could sell more/ be moreinfluential than Madonna. Britney Spears has had a bit of a rough career recently but she is still only 30 and if she manages to have a strong career as she gets older then she could beat Madonna. 

madonna did not WRITE a single track on her debut album, MADONNA was NEVER a song writer when she started off

GAGA has written every single song on every single one of her albums... and CO PRODUCED them, and WROTE the majority of the production for all of her hits, and all of the production for her latest album "BORN THIS WAY".

And guess what you're right she is the pinnacle of markting over the music industry, but that's because what she did caused a HUGE and grand change within the misuc industry, that alone should staple her as an ICON for pop music....

1. IF IT WASN'T FOR LADY GAGA, radio would NEVER TOUCH dance music in the U.S FACT. JUST DANCE was never played on radio, until she HERSELF pushed her label and went to the majority of radio stations in the country to promote that single, they all said that song was too dance for radio, and she said NO it's POP, play it, they did, and it went #1, and to date is one of the biggest selling singles in music history in the U.S selling well over 6 MILLION records.

2. DEF JAM, and most other labels DROPPED her for wearing FREAKISH outfits and being what wasn't IN at the time, DEF JAM TOLD HER IF SHE DIDN'T USE AUTO TUNE OR BECOME A HOE WANNA BE HIP HOP GIRL they'd DROP HER, and she said FUCK YOU, and she was dropped but guess what? She never stopped fighting, and wiht interscope she became a pop legend.

RIHANNA/KATY PERRY/ NICKI MINAJ/ BRITNEY SPEARS/ and the majority of singers on radio today are ALL PURE SELL OUTS, except LADY GAGA who became the leader everyone is now following, 3 YEARS AGO no one wore what she wore, everyone thought it was weird, but she became a huge fashion icon, and changed EVERYTHING and that can NEVER be denied.....


Tracks on Madonna's debut album where she is the sole writer 5/8. Tracks on Lady Gagas debut album where she is the sole writer 0/14. Perhaps you should check facts before discussing them?

Also once again you seriously need to check your facts. Lady Gaga DOES use auto-tune. She just doesn't use it as much as T-pain. She has even admitted in interviews to using it but tried to claim it's because music that hasn't been auto-tuned isn't what people expect to hear on the radio and other such nonsense. 

I mean come on. Let's see Lady gaga was sent to a ridiculously expensive private school, then got into a professional musical theatre school and appeared on a reality show on mtv, dropped out and and played small clubs while her rich father paid her rent for her. Then soon after became friends with a talent scout/producer.

Def jam never dropped her for the way she dressed as back then she just dressed in skimpy outfits. In fact she dressed pretty much exactly how you said she refused to dress. Her name was created in a marketing meeting. A performance artists designed her look for her. Then after a while she got a record contract. Then she had professional stylists etc and only then did she become successful. 

What about her is geniune? Clothes chosen for her by a team, music created by a producer, image created by artists, voice auto-tuned. 

She is the perfect example of a manufactured sell out. She even lies about her past to try and make herself seem cooler. Saying she didn't come from a wealthy background... while living on the upper west side, attending a private school with tution in the tens of thousands. Trying to make out she was an outsider who didn't fit in yet people at school with her say she had lots of friends and was involved in lots of extracurricular activties with them. 

She is one of the least 'genuine' performers around. 

Def jam dropped her for not selling out to what they wanted, and she did dress very differently while she was signed by def jam and before she was signed by def jam, that is in fact true. Her name was created by her message sent to her producer at the time rob, who accidentally received the text gaga, and he said it was perfect, and she agreed to it... therefore she then became lady gaga..

the clothes are chosen by her, and she usually picks and even designs what she wants to wear the majority of the time as well..... especially earlier in her career where she even created some of her own outfits with her team, as she designed most of what she wore in the beginning... She always has said she came from a wealthy background, and even said she went to a school with paris hilton..... and she has said she had friends, but they weren't even her real friends.... and madonna doesn't co produce shit, in fact gaga writes the PRODUCTION for her hits..... PAPARAZZI was her first completely co produced song, one of which she wrote the production for, the majority of TFM was her's, and BTW was all her...... she is one of the MOST genuine performers around, and it's not me saying it, it's this:


and here's LA REID basically admitting, that she was lady gaga already, and dropped her for wanting "her freedom"

