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sc94597 said:
Troll_Monster said:
sc94597 said:
Didn't capcom say if re4 wii edition does better than Reuc they may port re5 to the wii. I don't think its hard to downgrade graphics. They wouldn't have to downgrade too much other than the resolution and a little bit of the graphics. It is alot easier to downgrade than upgrade something. I am buying the game no matter what but would buy the wii version due to superior controls if it came out. Does anybody know why it was delayed.( It could because they might make a wii version.) This would be a good choice to make a re5 for the wii because alot of nintendo fans who had the GC would buy it plus more people who played re4 on wii and new people. I think it would sell the most on the wii. I signed the petition because I think the wii version would be the best.

Resolution wouldn't be the only thing that would need to be downgrade, textures would also have to be dumb down to accommodate the low ram the Wii has as well as dumbing down AI/physics and draw distances as well as polygon count, as you can see their are many things that would need to be downgraded.

Also it's easier to upgrade a games rather than downgrade it, you just had this mixed around, that's why all multiplatform developers make 360 games then port to PC/PS3 while at the same time another developer is making the Wii/PS2/PSP version of the same game.

Just thought I'd point this out to you.


Actually when i said graphics I meant textures and draw distance. It is only harder to downgrade if you are using a different engine. The wii could run stuff on the downgraded engine they have. I forgot to mention AI. Physics doesn't seem too much of a problem seeing as the wii has a seperate chip that runs between the gpu and cpu for physics and if this isnt enough they could use some of the cpu for physics too. The AI I guess they would have to build a new engine for but that would probaly be the hardest thing and If they are working on a wii version It wouldn't take more than a year to remake the AI. The reason why they use the 360 to make games first is because the ps3 is so much harder to develop for and you don't see too much of a difference on pc when they upgrade the 360 version.

 AFAIK Capcom use's their Frame Work engine for most games, which is a mainly a PC engine but it's the same one that Lost Planet used, it's also the same one they used for DMC4, as I'd assume they would use the same engine for RE5.

As for what you say about the wii, they may as well just build the engine from the fround up for the wii, that would in the end yeild better results and it'll be much easier than try to optimise an engine designed for high specs for a low spec machine.