TwistedComplex said:
Scoobes said:
TwistedComplex said:
Scoobes said:
Did you read the original post?
The lack of information out there concerning the issue is quite telling. Very few games are quite so obvious about homosexuality too.
And this hasn't only just cropped out recently. This has been an on-going issue with Bioware games for a little while.
I'm willing to bet a hundred god damn dollars that half the complaints were about HOW they implimented gay romance.
I don't care if a game has gay people, but the why they treat it, like it's some beautiful, special thing, is cringe worthy. It isn't special, it's just sex, like straight romance is.
Honestly, gay romance is the only thing that stands out about Bioware games, which is kind of sad, but they latch onto it regardless.
Actually, I think this round of letters has cropped up because it wasn't in the original Star Wars: TOR. I believe it's being/been patched in because a number of players requested it. That and Star Wars has usually been child friendly and with the current state of Americas right politics, they feel it's an issue.
And to be honest, I haven't noticed any difference in the way the straight and gay relationships are handled in Bioware games.
Did you play Dragon Age 2?
Remember how you would lose influence with Anders every time you didn't explicitly show intent to jump up his ass hole at the first chance?
Errr, not really? I remember I rejected him initially then stayed on friendly terms before killing him for being an arsehole later in the game.
Isabella was far more memorable for me