GameBoss01 said:
Wagram said: NOT.....indoctrination. Jesus, Hallucination people. Let's get it correct. |
If you look up Indoctrination on the Codex, Shepard had all of those symptoms, an dthe end that "hallucination" was the final thing that would determine if he fell under their control. According to the theory *SPOILER* the red choice is the right choice, the green choice is what Saren wanted, and the blue choice is what the Illusive Man wanted. GREEN = Shepard Husk, BLUE = Indoctrination and RED = Escape *SPOILER*
I just want them to apply it but not leave it like that, and here's hoping that DLC comes with more gameplay. That cut off boss fight with the Illusive Man would be sweet!
I really like the sound of indoctrination theory, it makes the ending a lot better! (though I not sure about a boss fight with TIM, I don't think it would work)
And this sounds good, the ending was very flawed, quite a lot of it makes no sense